Tuesday, May 20

I miss the long weekend already :( Was so busy in the office today, getting prepared for the out audit tomorrow. kinda exciting, and kinda looking forward to it. but still, if only i have more time to play!!

The long weekend was fun, celebrated Meitheng's birthday on friday. Met ZR and GH on saturday evening, was trying to think of something different to do cos we were really bored. ZR suggested going to anchor point, not a bad idea, visiting a mall which you've never been to. then we went to ikea for dinner but the eatery there was closed for renovation! how bad luck! such a disappointment for me:( Dinner was followed be dessert and then Ironman at shaw towers. got a little lost while getting to shaw towers but i found my way, i'm good. hahaha and pumped petrol for the first time in my life! went to the wrong side of the kiosk cos i didnt know the petrol tank was the at left side of the car. amusing and embarassing. although it was only the three of us but i had quite a good time :) Sunday was good too! had dinner at meitheng's place. the steamboat and bbq thing which her mum always prepare for us is yummmy!! ktv until 1am, back to meitheng's house where we chatted and read magazines on the bed and fall asleep. i was the first to sleep (Mag, i've became you!!). hope to have more of such fun soon!

1 comment:

aP3 iCon said...

how to pass the driving test like that? I'm sure you've utilized underhand methods to make you pass... hahahhaa...