Thursday, November 6

one more week to the exams and i am determined to start studying today!! oh gosh i hope i don't pull down my GPA any lower, pls give me my second lower!

few days ago on my way to school by the mrt, i was grumbling to myself how early it is and how sleepy i am and being upset with my dad for not letting me have the car, i saw this handicapped man with only one leg and he was walking with crutches. i was very impressed with him cos he did not need a wheelchair, and he was just there, among the morning crowd, like anybody else, taking the escalator and all, he didn't even need to take the lift! at the same time, i felt really guilty with myself. i'm thankful for this guy who made me appreciate what i have (at least for that day) and i hope he's well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey move over to livejournal lah
