Sunday, May 24

Work has started since two weeks ago, and i tell you, i've never been busier. damn..i hardly have time for anything. start work at 10am, knock off at 7pm, sometimes i work a little later (until 8pm on friday!!), by the time i reach home it'll be like 8pm, and by 11pm i will start to feel real sleepy :( some evenings i'll have dinner with my friends but i will be very tired too. i've no time to paint my nails, play my ds, watch gossip girl and korean f4 etc. fri night and sat will be spend with mike, sunday i will go to my grandma's place in the afternoon and then facial. that is all! my life has started to become a routine and i hate it! this is such a negative post :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where you working at? as what?

omg can't believe we need to enter that stage already. i am out for work for 12 hours a day. the remaining for dinner sleeping online shopping and everything else. not enough!

- ws