Sunday, June 14

weekends always pass by so quickly:( sigh. pre-monday blues on sunday night is horrible. spent a great weekend with Mike, we had a late dinner followed by ice cream on friday, kuishin bo on saturday and a yummy dinner with his parents today. he is putting on weight and he blames it on me! but it's really not my fault, he's always the one who's suggesting to go eat eat eat.
oh ya!! i went to pulau ubin with my company on friday for "team building". first time there but i think i won't ever go there again. hahaha. please! it was so hot i applied sunblock three times in a few hours and i had a headache for 2 days due to the heat i guess. it was good socializing with my colleagues (and the cute english bosses) but bad venue i would say.

went to the ktv with my best pals and mike last sat. poor mike was kinda left out cos kelvin didnt come. anyway big splash was horrible cos of the crowd and long queues.

taken at the same place 2 years ago. i think i really look older.

and photos taken yesterday at kuishin bo. i miss the crab.
and photos of my love - ice cream!

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