this past week has been a really crazy one. cant believe i'm behaving like this. and to ziyan, for doing the ultimate insane thing with me today, thanks! i know u didnt cheat my money la, i'm really touched that you'll do such a silly thing with me. HAHA. but i'm still very depressed!!! or maybe disappointed i should say. you and kailing ought to give me more treats. p/s: not 20cents treats.
hmm, so i spent the long weekend going for movies and dinner with the usual people who i met for 4 consecutive weekends on friday, and shopping and dinner at geylang with kailing and ziyan today. but, half of the time i'm thinking about
that insane thing and i think i'm really going crazy, over nothing. anyway i think we ate alot and i felt really guilty for eating so much so i suggested we'll play tennis next week instead of going out and spend money and EAT again. i'm not really sure i still know how to play tennis though. hahaha. guess i'll stay at home and rest tomorrow cos i'm really exhausted from all the late nights and early mornings.
few days ago my cousin asked me, what's my greatest regret in life. i pondered for a while, i thought of a few regrets i have, but to think of it, these regrets dont seem like such a big deal actually, so i dont really know if i have any "greatest regret".