the new and final semester begins this week and i dread it! my timetable is a 3-day week, but guess what, 0830 lesson on all 3 days! oh my god! waking up at 6.30am is one of the things i hate to do the most!! compared to my waking time of 12pm now, it's more than half of my sleeping time gone! so it's either i sleep earlier (which is hard cos my bio clock is tuned to sleeping at 3am) or i make do with lesser sleep (which is also hard cos i'll doze off in class and it's bad for my complexion) sigh, that's life and that's school:( oh ya anyway my monday class is a 2hr lecture only so i foresee a self declared 2-day week in this semester. haha! but having so much time also no use lar, my friends are all in school and mike is at work. so much free time also stay at home and idle it away..hazel is back, so maybe i can idle my time away with her, haha..
last saturday i met zy and kl at parkway and we spent the whole day eating! this eat-non-stop journey started from 3pm when we had the parkway ban mian (which i have been craving!) and i had a grass jelly. it was followed by latte and magazine reading at mccafe. after that, at around 6, we went to queue at aston's and had our dinner at 7. after dinner, kl and i walked to ecp and had some dessert at the hk cafe. yup, i basically ate non stop for 6hours. life is great(in this way)! hahaha.

yesterday mike had a half day leave and we spent the afternoon shopping, eating and watching movie. we have basically watched every movie available except this journey to the centre of the earth, 3D version. and it was super cool! i felt like i could reach out my hand to touch the birds flying around in the movie. anyway it was a great day cos the mall wasn't crowded at all on a monday afternoon.

the 3d specs

purposely nv shave to act macho in front of me..haha!