Monday, October 18

just when is the holidays coming???!
i simply hate waking up early to drag my feet to school now. it werent that bad before the exams, but now, i just wanna be free! lectures whole day longg and it's so b-o-ringg. and it's worse without david's entertainment! his stupid jokes and all. but i truly admire his courage to make the decision to go to poly now. we were all so sad today cos it's his last day here. i am thankful though, that god has given me wonderful classmates. school will really suckk without them. but i'm still eagerly looking forward to the day i graduate and leave this school. yes.

n i've got a big fat F for maths. kinda expected it, but still, i'm disappointed of course. but i have no right to be disappointed cos in the first place i didnt put it much effort for maths.. other subjects are still ok, at least all above 50.

i wish my life's more colourful..

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