Wednesday, January 19

school has been so tiring.. lots of undone stuff for me to complete and i'm still lagging behind. i need to catch up!! but i'm so tired everyday i could hardly keep my eyes open once it reaches 11pm. i used to sleep at 12 or 1 am when i was in j1. is it really because of the heavy workload now or am i really growing old? haha. should have rested more during the weekends.. but still, i'm glad i spent the last weekend with magggg and hazieee. swensens and phototaking, primming in the toilet, sentimental music and alcohol in the bar and yes, the roof balcony. lovelove! and mag is finally 18! yeahh!! pls get ur driving license soon we can go for supper anytime we want remember?

tmr's finally thursday.

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