Thursday, February 10

just now i carried a 15hr-old baby! my cute lil new born cousin. Little Keith.
haha ok i really wanna be a gynaecologist when i grow up.
it's time i study hard. REALLY. no more slacking around. havent passed any test since the beginning of this yr. i am so behind. i dont wanna be last in class.

cny was alright, same old routine every year. yea i'm not a lil kid anymore so cny is no big deal to me actually, only realised i am so old already. to say the truth, it kinda suck this yr. i ate too much. only the and paos are good. anyway, meeting ludi n mt tmr, hopefully it'll be a nice day yea.

tuesday. was a day with real confused n mixed feelings. oh man i havent felt like this for years. three years. at times i feel silly. but i cant help it alright. i am just tooo silly. HAHA.

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