Monday, October 3

the sunburn is so painful. feel so sorry for myself and my beautiful skin. went tanning and swimming with bern and furnise on sat, didnt expect myself to be so burnt! we still thought the sun didnt stay long enough! =( ok, blame myself, for i did not apply any suntan lotion.
it's apparently about 38 more days to As? i am very scared i tell u. very scared. i feel so unprepared. if only the sec2 michelle would come back, i dont know where she has gone to. but to think of it, i didnt really work that hard in sec2 too, all last minute work, i guess i was lucky that all i studied came out for exam (sometimes the teachers' tips were kinda obvious) and for once, i'm gonna admit, home econs and d&t did help to pull up my overall percentage. hey, but that's because i'm so adorable that the home econs teacher liked me alot..not everyone is so likeable right? HEHE.

david: hey! yup i'll work hard for exams. see you soon okay.

albert: excuse me, my blog is pretty, but i am prettier.

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