after all the late nights, booze and feasts, and rain, i am now sick. and it feels ultimate crappy. after mambo night, the next morning i went to do some, once again, crappy project, which required us to walk around housing estates, and it just had to rain!!! and why didnt it rain today?? it rains when i dont want it to, and dont rain when i want it to, at least if it rain today my match will be cancelled and i can play it another day. feeling very sorry towards my teammates. sigh. okay there's many things i wanna say now but can't seem to put them down in words.
met up with the girls on wed, bern is back, but ws is missing. first time hitting the club with them, and it was enjoyable, but it will be even more fun without the stupid crowd. okok..we expected the crowd, but they were just too pushy in phuture. and i love taking tonnes of photos with them! haha.. another thing! i met one of my jc teacher there! he's bern's friend's friend. but anyway, we played cai quan and he made me drink, many many times! how often does this happen? your teacher making your drink? haha..

dont know how bern managed to take this photo, i swear we didnt pose for it!

so cuteee=)

hahaha..was supposed to crop off the legs

we tried to take sexy poses

met my classmates in the bar