Sunday, December 10

haven't been in the best of moods lately and i have nightmares everytime i sleep! even afternoon naps. why why why? why can't i at least have some sweet dreams to lift up my spirits? and you know, one of the worst feelings in this world that one can ever experience is to be unable to control you own feelings and emotions or others' feelings and emotions when you desperately want to.

ok....enough complaining.

last night hazel and i went out for some midnight tau-huay. wanted to try out mr bean cafe(saw many cute guys there, HAHA. and no, mr bean cafe is not a cafe which sells tau-huay or anyting to do with beans, nor MR BEAN) but it was too crowded and there wasnt any place to park. we were trying to think of stuffs to do! singapore is so boring, other than movies or drinking, you have pretty much nothing to do at night already. in the end we decided to go home. hahaha, it's really very pathetic!

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