overnight mahjong for two consecutive days during the weekend. with a shopping session in between! can't believe how much energy i had. anyway i realised playing in a very cold room makes you less sleepy (jas revamped his room so the table could fit in), but then again, it may be the coffee and tea we drank. i only drank half of mine cos jas spilled my tea with his big butt. zq said we're very "auntie" cos we drank hot tea! hai, zq bian le...
AND, my timetable for next semester sucks. really sucky. 5 day week with 2hr lessons on mon tue and fri PLUS 830 lesson on mon wed fri. HOW is it possible for me to survive taking train all the way to ulu boon lay at 7am in the morning?! my biggest regret in life now is delaying my driving lessons. SEE LA, now must wake up 6am in the morning. argh! you know what, the fastest i can get my license is probably in jan, which is, way after next sem is over. ok i think everybody has listened to me complained enough already. hahaha, let me grumble for a bit, ok?=)

the ndp stage is so nice! i can imagine myself holding a concert there!

i find this photo damn funny cos all of us didnt plan our pose, it just came out so nicely.

spot the odd one out.
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