went to sentosa's songs of the sea last friday (finally!). have been bugging mike to go but he always manage to find a reason not to. oh ya and before that we had an arguement (the biggest one in our relationship so far), but i'm glad it lasted for less than an hour. we had lunch only at 4pm cos of the quarrel and we were so hungry we ordered 3 main courses (and had ice cream after that). hahah, eh not me, it was him. anyway songs of the sea was not too bad, but the queue was scary, and the humid weather didnt help. we were told that seating starts at 8.20pm and we were there at 8pm (after sitting the sentosa tram twice) but there wasnt anybody so we thought "yay can get a good seat!". little did we knew that the queue was already as long as....a thousand snakes at the other gate! damn.

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