Tuesday, October 24

today something exciting happened! not the positive type of excitement though. a unit 3 storeys below my house caught fire! i was lying on bed, watching tv when the tv screen suddenly went black and i could hear alot of commotion. so i went out of the room and my whole kitchen was filled with smoke! man i got the shock of my life. seriously. my sister was like shouting "fire how how??" and for a few seconds i thought MY house has caught fire and im gonna die. and my whole mind went blank, i couldnt think of anything, unlike tv shows where you know, before the actor dies he think of his mum or his girlfriend or whatever. ok then my dad said downstairs caught fire, no words could describe how relieved i was. so we all went downstairs and the first and only thing i grabbed was my phone. we watched as the firemen put out the fire, and i must tell u all something k, i am so in love with firefighters now! all of them looked so brave and dashing when the jumped out of the fire-engines all ready to fight the fire! i know i'm damn bad, a unit caught fire and i was admiring the firefighters, nobody was hurt though.

ok so this incident me think, have i lived my life to the fullest? what regret will i have if i'm going to die right now? sounds cliche, but i just wanna let my grandma and my parents know that i love them and i am grateful to have them, let my siblings know that although they are irritating, they mean alot to me, my aunties and cousins know they are impt to me, let my close friends know that they are really irreplacable in my life, and lastly to my loved one, how much i love him. yup so do it now, tell everyone u love them! =))

ziyan: is this post super long too?

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