tomorrow's the first day of exams, and also, today's the last day of A levels, which means that i have not taken any exams for exactly one yr already. (except for my basic theory, haha) i'm really having difficulty getting into the exam mood, and it's a whole new type of exams im having as this time, it's all open-book exams, and i dont really know how to study for it. moreover there aren't any tys for me to do! yea there are past yr papers, but there's no answers! and i have no idea how to answer those questions. so i dont know what i will do tmr. probably spending 3/4 of the time flipping through the 600+ pages textbook.
if only im still working=( just talked to my ex-colleague on the phone and the way he talks rubbish makes me laugh. it's not that i dont like studying, i enjoy uni, hall life, going for lessons(sometimes) etc, just that i dont like the stress that comes along with it, and how all my friends are so busy with schoolwork. during the 8months holiday, when everybody was working, i meet up with everybody all the time cos everybody is so free! (and everybody had spare cash).
and also, through my job, i get to talk to people from the different walks of life. especially young people around my age, who are not the typical sec sch-jc/poly-uni type of friends i have. a few of them are from ite, and you know, although they are not as educated as most people are, they actually have better moral values than some guys i see from uni, who sleep around etc. they treat their relationships, be it with their girlfriends or friends, seriously.
anothing thing, it's been really hard for me to fall asleep at night these days. i wonder if i've been thinking too much, and dreaming too much after that.