the exams are finally over. not that i studied very hard for it, but yea, i'm glad it's finally over. havent done anything much since my exams ended. so far only went for a swim at my granny's place, shopping, mj and of course, more tv. most of my friends' exams have not ended, but it'll soon be. and i predict more mahjong, more shopping, more sleep and more tv to come for the next 5 weeks. actually not that much of mj cos jasper said he will be busy in camp until the 2nd week of dec. oh ya, and not forgetting working on our project with esther and glenda so that we can win a trip to paris! hahahaha yup the first price of the competition is a trip to paris, "with all expenses paid". and i wonder if the "expenses" includes shopping costs, it'll will be great if it does. and guess what's our group name? it's "MEGamitezz". i'm seriously impressed by glenda's ability to come up with such a lame name, i can't think of anything more lame than that. but please note that MEG stands for Michelle Esther Glenda. haha!
i wonder if i should get a holiday job, number one to beautify my resume and secondly, to have more money to spend on unnecessary stuffs. moreover i can't imagine myself slacking for 5 whole weeks. i think i'm secretly a workaholic! it's true. although i can be quite lazy at times, but, yea, believe me.
sometimes i wonder what will my life be like if i've a serious boyfriend now, not those whom you'll call when you feel like it. will he allow me to play mj all the time? will i have so much time to meet the harmony peeps almost every week? will he stop my spendthrift behaviour? a guy once told me "you'll be a great girlfriend if you're less playful and have lesser activities with your friends". i can't imagine myself being tied up to a guy all the time. not in the sense that i want to have more guys around me, but in the sense that i want to have time to do my own stuffs. but then again, what if i'm really so in love with him? hahaha then my dear friends, please don't scold me for zhong se qing you ok! but i guess i probably won't la. heehee.
ok, this is quite a long post huh! i realised that i repeated the word "wonder" thrice. now i wonder if i wonder too much. ahahah, ok, i really thank you guys for reading up to here, i know it's kinda boring. HAHA. and wil, i saw your comment, don't sound so bitter saying that nobody realises your comment anymore k? :)